Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why do I make blog now?

Several years ago, right before Jennifer and I decided to jump back into our reproductive odyssey/nightmare (chronicled much better in my wife's great blog, we vacationed for a week in Paris. (can I say we were on Holiday? Sounds more Euro.) So on Holiday, we lived in a small apartment where the elevator was the approximate size of our refrigerator at home. We had a fantastic week of crepes, tours of churches and art appreciation. After visiting several museums, we decided to stick close to home and see the Pompidou Center - a modern art museum that was only a few blocks away.

I feel like I appreciate art as much as the next guy (if the next guy is also an average American who knows more about fantasy football then art). I knew modern art would challenge my midwest sensibilities, but I was game. So we walked among the floors looking at the various metal thingies and collection of weird objects, and I kept my mind open. Not my kind of art, but I suppose that was the point. My midwest American mind probably shouldn't "get it".

There were two pieces of art that summed up just how much I didn't get it. The first was a video loop of a guy moving his arms around randomly while saying "I am making art". He would continue to move his arms (Voguing? I thought) and kept repeating "I am making art." Over and over and over again.

I was kind of intrigued by this proclamation. Really? You are? Just because you say so? But his "art" was featured in one of the most famous modern art museums, so I had to concede his point. He apparently, was making art. The rest of the trip, and shortly after, Jennifer and I would occasionally say "I am making art" and move our arms around. We do amuse each other this way.

So when thinking of a name for this blog, I thought of that guy. He was making art, so why couldn't I make blog? I can have a blog, just like anyone else with an internet connection can have a blog. No one has to review my submissions to see if they are "blogworthy". (wait a second.... "Blog Worthy?" is that a better name for my blog? Maybe, but then I'd have to skip this story... never mind.)

So this will be my experiment in writing my random collection of thoughts, waving my arms around randomly and wondering if anyone "gets it". Probably not, but that's okay. My wife will read it. I think. At least she'll say she does. She's nice that way.

I'll probably write about things that amuse, confuse or disturb me. Pop culture, politics, work, living with wonderful and completely insane kids, etc.. I might mix in some short fiction every now and then. If you have any suggestions, by all means, let me know. I will wave my arms randomly for you, just as I wave them for me. I am making blog.

Oh, and I almost forgot the second piece of art that summed up why I didn't "get" modern art. It was a close up of a man's scrotum, and the unseen man that scrotum belonged to was squishing it up and stretching it and doing other horrible things to it. Dude, you're not making art - you're making me vomit.


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